Waitangi Day 2020 with Sammy J and Aaradhna

Because two of my favorite music artists Sammy J and Aaradhna were performing, I wanted to do a bit of research on the annual Waitangi Day celebration. After a bit of research, I've come up on a few facts about this day. Please have a read and let me know on it's accuracy.

"On 28 October 1835, at the home of British Resident James Busby in Waitangi, 34 northern chiefs signed He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni (known in English as the Declaration of Independence of the United Tribes of New Zealand)." -nzhistory.govt.nz

Basically, what the treaty says is that Maori's will have authority over their own land and economy. That they will be the protectors of foreigners who enter their shores for trade (to-live) and ask that The Crown be the parent State and protector over all of New Zealand. A copy of this Treaty was sent to the King of England to say thank you, and among all things, for acknowledging New Zealand’s first official flag. The flag of the United Tribes. -Official Skrypt

"The Treaty of Waitangi is New Zealand’s foundation document. On February 6, 1840, the treaty was signed by representatives of the British Crown and Māori chiefs who acted on behalf of their hapū (sub-tribes)." -nzhistory.govt.nz

The Treaty of Waitangi has a Māori version called Te Tiriti o Waitangi and an English version called Treaty of Waitangi. Five years later after signing He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga of 1835 where New Zealand kept its' authority over its own land and people, in 1840 Māori chiefs signed the The Treaty of Waitangi and officially surrendered the sovereignty of New Zealand to the British Crown, which is the argument today. -Official Skrypt

"Te Tiriti speaks of the chiefs maintaining their tino rangatiratanga (authority) over their taonga (all that they hold precious, including the Māori language). The chiefs allow the Queen to have kāwanatanga, a nominal and delegated authority so that she can control her people. On the other hand, the treaty in English tells us that the chiefs ceded their sovereignty to the crown while retaining full, exclusive and undisturbed possession over their lands, estates, forests and fisheries." -theconversation.com

For all my readers of The Skrypt, this is what's called unfinished business between The Crown and New Zealand. So when you're out their this coming weekend to celebrate Waitangi Day 2020, just remember that the battle has only begun about New Zealand truly being a sovereign state today, based off of all the treaties that have been signed. -Official Skrypt

If you want to continue the timeline and read more on the fight for New Zealand's sovereignty, here at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Waitangi_Act_1975 would be a great place to pick up from.

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